January 12
2002 Vision Meeting held in Suning Universal Mansion.
January 18
IPS Environmental Dialog held at YPC Guest House between BASF-YPC Company Limited, relevant authorities and the local residents.
January 24
2001 Annual Meeting held at YPC Guest House.
January 25
Dr. Blumenberg was invited as a non-voting member to participate inthe Fifth Session of the 12th Nanjing Municipal People's Congress.
January 25
IPS Groundbreaking Ceremony listed in Top Ten Investment News in China in 2001.
February 6
Mr. Hui Liangyu, Party Secretary of Jiangsu Province met the BASF-YPC Company Limited delegation led by Dr. Blumenberg.
February 7
Mr. Li Yuanchao, Party Secretary of Nanjing Municipality and Mr. Luo Zhijun, Mayor of Nanjing met the BASF-YPC Company Limited delegation led by Dr. Blumenberg.
Febeuary 26
Mr. Chen Weijian, Party Secretary of Luhe District met the BASF-YPC Company Limited delegation led by Dr. Blumenberg.
March 1
BASF appointed Dr. Tony Chen as General Manager of AA/AE Divisionand Dr. Zheng Daqing, General Manager of C4-Oxo, C1 Chemicals Division, SINOPEC/YPC appointed Mr. Li Chengfeng as General Manager of EG, LDPE Division.
March 25
Dr. Nissen, President of BASF East Asia, visited the company.
April 10
The company was awarded the Excellent Contributor for Building up New Nanjing in 2001 by Nanjing Municipal Government.
May 27
Dr. Blumenberg was invited to the BASF Scholarship warding Ceremony in Nanjing University and delivered a speech.
June 4
The 4th BOD meeting was held in Ludwigshafen, Germany.
June 5
Mr. Li Yuanchao, Party Secretary of Nanjing Municipality visited IPS site.
June 10
Dr. Blumenberg was awarded Honorary Citizenship of Nanjing.
June 15
The company organized a team to compete in the Sheraton Dragon Boat Challenge 2002 and ranked fifth among the 37 competitors with twoawards of "Best Organized Team" and "Commemorative Award".
July 1
BASF appointed Dr. Kurt Raschka as General Manager of Safety, Environment, Engineering and Maintenance Division.
July 11
The first Alignment Workshop was held in Suning Universal Mansion.
July 25
Dr. Marcinowski, BASF Executive Director,visited the company followed by a site tour.
July 30
Groundbreaking ceremony of BCC project was held.
August 5
Mr. Li Yizhong, President of SINOPEC Group and Chairman of SINOPEC Corp., inspected the IPS project.
August 11-13
The General Design Review Meeting for IPS Project held at YPC Guest House.
August 30
Dr. Blumenberg attended upon invitation the "National Entertainment Party on Justice and Courage" and accepted an interview by Ms. Ni Ping, the compere from CCTV.
September 6
A journalist from German Televation visited the company and interviewed Dr. Blumenberg.
September 18, 19, 20
The company signed with JGC/SEI the EG EPC contract, with TOYO the Acrylic Acid & Esters EPC contract and the Oxo EPC contract,and with CTCI the LDPE EPC contract respectively.
September 23
Dr. Hambrecht, BASF Executive Board Member, visited the company.
October 18
Dr. Blumenberg was entrusted by Nanjing University as Consultant Professor and gave a lecture with the topic of "BASF-the preferredemployer of the Chemical Industry in China".
October 25
Dr. Strube, Chairman of BASF BOD, visited BYC.
November 26, 27
The 5th BOD Meeting and IPS Sponsors Meeting were held in Hilton Hotel, Nanjing. SINOPEC appointed Mr. Dai Houliang as the successor of Mr. Chen Zhilong to be a BOD member.
November 26, 27
IPS Project Power Plant Preliminary Design Review Meeting was held.
November 29
The company signed with several insurance companies the IPS project insurance agreement and co-insurance agreement.