The Company was recognized as Grade A in Green & Comprehensive Evaluation of Jiangbei New Area.
May 17-18
The 35th BOD Meeting of the Company was held in Hong Kong.
May 18
Dr. Uwe Kirchgaessner, President of the Company, received 2018“Jinling Friendship Award”.
June 1
Sinopec nominated Hong Jianqiao as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company.
July 1
BASF nominated Dr. Andrea Frenzel as the Member of the Board of Directors of the Company.
September 21
Sinopec nominated Xu Yuehua as the Member of the Board of Directors of the Company.
September 26
Dr. Uwe Kirchgaessner, President of the Company, received 2017 Jiangsu Friendship Award.
November 15
The Company won the Fifth CSR Award of EUCCC.
October 29
The 36th BOD Meeting of the Company was held in Beijing.
December 7
Environmental Impact Dialogue 2018 was held.