January 1
Mr. Li Yuanchao, the new Party Secretary of Jiangsu Province, Mr. Wu Ruilin,Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province and Mr. Luo Zhijun, Mayor of Nanjing Municipality inspected IPS site.
January 1
SINOPEC/YPC appointed Mr. Xu Yuehua to be General Manager of Basic Chemicals Division after Dr. Dai Yu left the company.
January 8
Groundbreaking ceremony for EG plant was held as well as the commencement of piling.
January 10
Mr. Chen Weijian, Party Secretary of Luhe District and Mr. Qiu Shoupeng, Governor of Luhe District met with and entertained Dr. Blumenberg and other senior staff of the company.
January 17
The company donated fire engines to the Municipal Fire Brigade.
January 17
2002 Annual Meeting was held in Jinling Hotel with 430 attendees from the company and IMT.
January 20
Dr. Hambrecht, BASF Executive Board Member and the future BOD Chairman, Dr. Kreimeyer, BASF Executive Board Member and Dr. Nissen, President of BASF East Asia visited the company.
January 20
Mr. Liang Baohua, acting Governor of Jiangsu Province met with and feasted in Jinling Hotel Dr. Hambrecht, BASF Executive Board Member and the future BOD Chairman, Dr. Kreimeyer, BASF Executive Board Member, Dr. Nissen, President of BASF East Asia and Dr. Blumenberg, etc.
February 28
Groundbreaking ceremony for Oxo and Acrylics plants held.
March 7
Signing ceremony of IPS Project financing document held in Nanjing.
March 16
Mr. Wang Jiming, President of SINOPEC Corp. visited the company.
March 18
The first congress of BASF-YPC Company Limited Trade Union was held, electing Mr. Chen Zhilong as the chairman.
March 23
Mr. Luo Zhijun, Mayor of Nanjing Municipality, inspected IPS site.
March 25
Dialogue on Traffic Safety for IPS Project held at YPC Guest House.
April 3
IPS Project Sponsors meeting held in Nanjing.
April 6
The 700 tonne propylene rectifier of the BCC plant was successfully lifted and erected.
April 22
Dr. Kreimeyer, BASF Executive Board Member,visited the company.
June 9
The company's website was open to the public.
June 25
The Second Dialogue on Traffic Safety for IPS Project was held at YPC Guest House.
July 2
Dr. Praetorius, the executive director of BASF, visited the company.
August 30
The company's team won the 5th place in the Second Sheraton Dragon Boat Challenge and three other prizes including Best Organized Team.
September 11-26
BASF Kid's Lab was held in Nanjing.
September 13
German President Johannes Rau visited the company and listened to the reports made by Dr. Kreimeyer, the executive director of BASF, and Dr.Blumenberg, President of the company. Then the President visited the BASF Kid's Lab and the construction site.
September 30
Dr. Blumenberg received National Friendship Award and attended National Day celebration of People's Republic of China.
October 1
Mr. Wu Wenxin took office as IMT Project Director.
October 10
The 6th BOD Meeting of the company was held in Antwerp of Belgium. The BOD acknowledged the appointments of Dr. Harald Feltkamp, succeeding Dr. Dieter Scherf, and Dr. Stefan-Robert Deibel, succeeding Dr. Axel Anderlohr, as BOD members.
October 18
Prince Laurent of Belgium visited the company and knew the environmental protection measures adopted in the IPS Project construction.
December 23
The delegates to Jiangsu People's Congress inspected the company's site.