January 1
Fifty employees attended the 31st Nanjing New Year Long-distance Running and the Company was awarded “Outstanding Organization Award”.
January 18
More than one thousand and six hundred employees attended 2012 Annual Meeting which was held in Nanjing International Exhibition Center.
May 6-7
The 25th BOD Meeting of the Company was held in Nanjing.
June 6
“BASF Investor Day” was held in the Company.
August 14
2013 Environmental Impact Dialogue with the community was held.
September 6
Margret Suckale, member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF, visited the Company.
November 27
Michael Heinz, member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF, visited the Company.
November 13-15
The 26th BOD Meeting of the Company was held in Heidelberg, Germany.