January 8
President Blumenberg paid a visit to Mr. Luo Zhijun, Party Secretary of Nanjing Municipality, and Mr. Jiang Hongkun, Mayor of Nanjing, reporting to them the progress of the IPS Project and wishing them Happy New Year.
January 9
2003 Annual Meeting was held in Nanjing International Exhibition Center, hosting 1,000 employees of the company and Fluor Daniel.
February 2, 3, 4
SINOPEC and BASF jointly held The First IPS Project Site Coordination Meeting in Nanjing. Mr. Wang Jiming, Dr. Kreimeyer, representatives of PMC contractor, EPC contractors and subcontractors, YPC, BASF-YPC and IMT totaling 150 persons attended the meeting.
April 16
BCC's SUB was completed and handed over to the company successfully. It was the first completed plant of the company and marked the IPS Project was gradually heading towards pre-commissioning from overall infrastructure construction.
April 18, 19
SINOPEC and BASF jointly held The Second IPS Project Site Coordination Meeting in Nanjing. Mr. Wang Jiming and Dr. Nissen attended the meeting.
April 22
The authorities held the Meeting of the Start-up Committee of BASF-YPC 220kV Grid Connection in Caofang substation of Nanjing Municipal Electrical Power Company. The company's power plant 220kV system started soaking, impact and step-up tests.
April 26
The 7th BOD Meeting was held in Nanjing.
April 28
BYC Power Supply Completion Ceremony was held in Nanjing Power Bureau.
May 21
SINOPEC and BASF jointly held The Third IPS Project Site Coordination Meeting in Nanjing. Dr. Kreimeyer, Dr. Deibel and Mr. Zhang Kehua attended the meeting.
June 18
The company donated to Dongwang Primary School in Luhe District computer teaching facilities worth of RMB 200,000. The employees of the company donated to the poor pupils of the school RMB 120,000.
June 18
The company held The Second IPS Environmental Dialogue.
June 19
The company's team won the championship of the 4th Sheraton Dragon Boat Challenge.
July 1
SINOPEC and BASF jointly held The Fourth IPS Project Site Coordination Meeting in Nanjing. Dr. Kreimeyer, Dr. Nissen, Dr. Deibel and Mr. Zhang Kehua attended the meeting.
July 28
The top of the company's administration building, which was under construction,was sealed.
July 28
Dr. Marcinowski, the executive director of BASF, visited the company.
August 23, 24
SINOPEC and BASF jointly held The Fifth IPS Project Site Coordination Meeting in Nanjing. Mr. Wang Jiming, Dr. Deibel and Mr. Zhang Kehua attended the meeting.
September 6
BASF Investor Day was held in the company's site.
October 20
The company signed with PetrolChina Company Limited Agreement for the Sale of Natural Gas in the Hilton Hotel in Nanjing.
October 23
The first incoming parcel tanker was successfully berthed and unloaded at the company's jetty.
November 4
SINOPEC held BYC Project Commissioning and Start-up Plan Supplementary Review Meeting.
November 12
Dr. Strube, the former chairman of the board of executive directors, and Dr. Kreimeyer, the executive director of BASF, visited the company and met with Mr. Liang Baohua, Jiangsu Province Governor.
November 16
The company started up the power plant. At 10:18 a.m. GT#2 was synchronized successfully. The power plant formally began to operate as the company's first plant put into commercial operation.
November 25,26
The 8th BOD Meeting of the company was held in Jinling Resort Hotel in Nanjing.
December 13
The company's Jetties have been officially opened to foreign vessels.
December 22
The first chemical plant in the Company-MA (Methyl Acrylate) Plant has been started up successfully.