January 1
One hundred and ten employees attended the 24th Nanjing New Year Long-distance Running and were awarded "The Best Organized Team".
January 12
Over one thousand and one hundred employees attended 2005 Annual Meeting held in Nanjing International Exhibition Center.
January 19
The Company held Community Meeting with local government and communities at the office of Management Committee of Yanjiang Industry Development Zone.
March 8
The Company achieved safety acceptance of the state expert committee.
March 17
The Company achieved state acceptance of archives.
March 18
The Company achieved state acceptance of environmental protection.
March 31
The Fourth Environmental Impact Dialogue was held at the site.
May 17
Mr. Li Qi, Vice Mayor of Nanjing and Party Sectary of Luhe, visited the Company.
May 19
Mr. Zhao Kezhi, Vice Executive Governor of Jiangsu Province, visited the Company.
May 24
Mr. Glos, Minister of Economy and Technology Ministry of Germany, visited the Company.
May 27
The Magic Boat Team of the Company won the second place in Sheraton Dragon Boat Challenge 2006.
May 30-31
The 11th BOD Meeting of the Company was held at Xi Yuan Hotel in Yangzhou.
July 10
SINOPEC and BASF signed a $500 million (4 billion RMB) agreement to expand the Company's Integrated Petrochemical Site.
September 14
BASF and SINOPEC signed an agreement on the preparation of a technical and commercial feasibility study for the planned expansion of the Company.
September 24
Mr. Li Yizhong, Minister of the State Administration of Work Safety, inspected the Company's Integrated Petrochemical Site.
October 16
The Company brings fun-filled interactive Kids' Lab to community children.
October 28
The Company's IPS Project achieved the state acceptance.
November 24
The Company held the 12th BOD Meeting in Beijing.
November 29
Nominated by SINOPEC and acknowledged in the 12th BOD Meeting of BASF-YPC Company Limited, Mr. Li Chengfeng replaced Mr. Dai Houliang as the BOD member and chairman of BASF-YPC Company Limited.
December 6
"EIA Public Hearing on BYC's Planning in 11th '5-Year' Period" was held in Yangzi Guesthouse in Luhe District.
December 25
The Company signed an agreement to establish " BYC Hope Project Scholarship and Stipend" with Luhe district government, donating RMB 98,000 to Luhe Education Bureau per year for the following 2 to 3 years as the scholarship for 200 well-performing students and also stipend for another 200 students of poor families in this district.